MOSTĀ Metal Businesses & Tradespeople FAIL Because They Were Never Taught HOW TO Position Themselves to DEMAND More Money, GET IT, and Dominate Their Competition.


Metal Business Mastery membership teaches you how to do this and more.

THIS IS FOR people in the metal industry in the USA and Canada ONLY.

ForĀ founding members ONLY, get in at $27 USD a month LIFETIME RATE.

DOORS CLOSE Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 10 pm EST.









Buy Lifetime Membership for $27/m NOW (Price triples after Oct 2nd)

The "Zero-Sum Game" is a LIE: I'll Teach You to Dominate Your Market and Charge What You're Worth.

Discover the secrets, strategies, and this community to standing out from the competition, why you need to to build a thriving metal shop, thriving people, and bringing Metals and Manufacturing back to North America and keeping it here.

Join Now

Escape the soul-crushing cycle of turnover.

Stop wasting time and money on endless hiring and training. Build a team that's loyal, dedicated, and ready to grow with you.

Ignite your team's passion and watch your profits soar.

Discover the secrets to your crew and unleashing their full potential. A happy team means a productive shop and a healthier bottom line.

Become the respected leader your shop needs

Gain the confidence and knowledge to make smart decisions, command premium prices, and build a legacy that lasts.

A Metal Man's Passion: Greg Sheldon's Journey to Revitalizing North American Manufacturing

Greg Sheldon isn't your average suit-and-tie consultant.Ā 

With a background spanning over two decades in the metals manufacturing industry, he's held every position imaginable, from shop floor grunt to management.Ā 

His passion for the trade runs deep, fueled by a desire to see the industry thrive and create a lasting legacy.



George Mittias

Greg is a fantastic man and over all amazing human being. He is a diligent and attentive friend and collogue for many years. His passion and vision for the metal and steel industry is refreshing for operators, employees and all stakeholders. He is a champion for impact and results for all of his partners and clients. I have learned much from our time together and look forwards to partnering further on having massive impact in the metal and steel community and our local communities. I recommend Greg for authentic and impactful solutions to anyone with challenges in their business whether its for business growth or business exits. Thank you Greg. Onwards and upwards. The best is yet to come.

Joe Graci

Greg is an innovative, out-of-box thinker who consistently looks for new ways to move the metals industry forward. Greg is shining a light on an industry that is going through a period of consolidation, transformation and digitization and Greg's deep experience and collaborative style is an invaluable asset to those who work with him.

Odin Zavier

Generous, caring and dedicated. The world needs more people like Greg! Since Iā€™ve first met him heā€™s been single Mindedly dedicated to helping the professionals in the metal industry. He has a vision in ensuring that the life work of Metal Industry owners is kept intact, while they implement their succession plans and retire. He wants to help owners make more money so that they and their employees can have security in the future! A rare quality indeed. Truly a commendable leadership quality! His insight into the metal industry is vast and heā€™s put a world class team to help the companies and Owners level up before they exit. Heā€™s thought of every situation to be of assistance. All in all, when you have the chance to work with Greg, look at it as an opportunity and a prayer answered. Thanks Greg for being a leader! Look forward to many more years of working with youā€¦

Michael Sipe

If you want to know what makes people truly successful and have an edge, it's curiosity and using that new-found knowledge. Greg is one of those forever learners who takes the initiative to learn and make things better. He is innovative and has surrounded himself with a team of experts that can help bring joint opportunities to the metals industry. I recommend him for his exceptional expertise and ability to help companies grow.

Our Mission

To empower metal shop owners and tradespeople with the financial knowledge and leadership skills to build thriving businesses, cultivate passionate teams, and drive the resurgence of North American manufacturing.