About Greg Sheldon: A Metal Man's Journey from the Shop Floor to Business Mastery

Watch the RAW long video below about my journey, or read a more concise version below the video.


Greg Sheldon isn't your typical business consultant. 

He's a self-described "numbers and financial nerd" who also happens to be a die-hard metal fabricator. 

With 23 years of experience in the industry, Greg has held every position imaginable, from shop floor grunt to management to business acquisitions and valuations. 

He's seen the industry from every angle, and he knows what it takes to build a successful metal shop.

But Greg's passion goes beyond just making money. 

He's deeply committed to the metal fabrication industry and its future. 

He believes that by empowering metalworkers and shop owners with the right knowledge and skills, we can revitalize North American manufacturing and create a lasting legacy.

Greg's Story

Greg's journey in the metal industry began at the age of 16 when he discovered his passion for welding and fabrication. 

He quickly rose through the ranks, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the business. 

Along the way, he faced challenges, made mistakes, and learned valuable lessons that he now shares with others.

Greg's experience in the trenches has given him a unique perspective on the challenges facing metal shop owners today. 

He understands the struggles of finding and keeping good people, the pressure to cut costs, and the constant battle to stay ahead of the competition.

But Greg also knows that there's a better way. 

He's developed a proven system for building profitable, sustainable metal shops with loyal, motivated teams. And he's passionate about sharing that system with others.

Greg's Mission

Greg's mission is to empower metal shop owners and tradespeople with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. 

He believes that by investing in people, we can build a stronger, more vibrant industry that benefits everyone.

Through his Metal Business Mastery community and courses, Greg offers a wealth of resources and support to help you achieve your goals. 

Whether you're looking to improve your financial literacy, develop your leadership skills, or build a more engaged team, Greg has the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

Join Greg on the Journey

If you're ready to take your metal shop to the next level, join Greg Sheldon on his mission to revitalize the industry. 

Together, we can build a brighter future for North American manufacturing.