Greg Sheldon's Journey; Why I’m Passionate About Reviving Metal and Manufacturing in North America

Jul 10, 2024

From High School Auto Shop to Industry Advocate: My Metalworking Story

Hey folks, Greg Sheldon here.

I want to share my story and explain why I'm so passionate about the metal industry and why I'm committed to bringing manufacturing back to North America.

Discovering a Love for Metal

It all started with Kimarnic Enterprise, a company in a small town outside of Smith Falls.

But my journey with metal began even earlier, back in high school auto shop.

I thought I'd be an auto mechanic, but I discovered welding and fell in love with it.

The precision, the artistry, the creativity—it felt special to me.

My knack for welding and fabrication and manufacturing was a natural progression from my childhood passion for Lego.

I loved building things, challenging limitations, and thinking creatively.

Mentors and Early Experiences

Dave Lundberg was a pivotal figure in my early career.

He taught me not just the technical skills of welding and fabrication, but also the importance of setting challenges and hitting targets.

His mentorship was invaluable, teaching me efficiency, precision, and the mindset needed to succeed in this industry.

Building Skills and Facing Challenges

My journey wasn't without its challenges.

I faced fear, self-doubt, and the constant pressure to prove myself. Yet, every setback was a learning experience.

Whether it was managing a team, meeting tight deadlines, or ensuring client satisfaction, each challenge honed my skills and strengthened my resolve.

The Turning Point

My time in management was a turning point.

I learned the importance of communication, innovation, and maintaining a positive work culture.

But more importantly, I realized the need for systemic changes in the industry—improvements in efficiency, leadership, and employee engagement.

The Bigger Picture

Why am I so passionate about this?

Because manufacturing is the backbone of our economy.

It's about more than just making a living—it's about creating a legacy, supporting local communities, and fostering a sense of pride in what we produce.

I believe in the value of hands-on trades and the irreplaceable skills they bring.

The Future

My mission is to revive and sustain metal manufacturing in North America.

I want to see local economies thrive, driven by skilled tradespeople who are passionate about their work.

This isn't just about profits—it's about building a future where manufacturing remains a critical part of our economy and culture.

Join me in this journey. Let's bring manufacturing back home and keep it here, ensuring a prosperous future for generations to come.

Action Step: Interested in learning more about how we can achieve this together? Join our community of metal professionals and start your journey today. Visit Metal Business Mastery and become part of the movement.

Together, we can make a difference.

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